100 Hard-To-Find iPhone Apps For School - Edudemic - 0 views
Julian Ridden on 02 Jun 11There are countless games, social media, and other time-sucking apps available right now in the App Store. But what about those students (and teachers) looking for a helpful app that actually helps them learn? If you peruse the 'education' category of the App Store you will see thousands of poorly organized apps that run the gamut from a $1,000 Bar Review app to a simple doodle app. Both are somewhat useful but only for a specific type of user. Fear not! We are here to help declutter the App Store for you. Below is a helpful list of apps that will save you hours of App Store-hunting and hopefully help you organize your day a bit better. From organization to the obligatory social media apps to the finance apps, this list, courtesy in part of RatedColleges, is pretty exhaustive. Know of another app? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @edudemic!